This summer, the Library of Congress hosted five-day Summer Teacher Institutes in Washington, DC. As part of the most recent Institute, BHL shared an exhibit table on Science and Technology with the Library of Congress on Tuesday, August 6, 2013. Carolyn Sheffield, of the Smithsonian Institution, shared information on BHL and distributed stickers, pins, and BHL business cards—complete with gorgeous illustrations from BHL. Dr. Tomoko Steen, Research Specialist and Camron Lee, Junior Fellow, both of the Science, Technology, and Business Division of the Library of Congress, shared the table, helping to spread the word about BHL as well as sharing amazing education resources compiled by their Division.
Attendees included 25 teachers from primary, secondary, undergraduate and graduate programs from across the country. The majority of attendees had not heard of BHL before and were delighted to learn of the free resources that BHL makes available. Many attendees expressed enthusiasm for the content, especially the images on Flickr, and many said that they were to share the information about BHL's free resources with their colleagues at their schools.