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IFLA Presentation on Expanding Access to Natural History Illustrations

By Trish Rose-Sandler
Data Project Coordinator
Center for Biodiversity Informatics (CBI), 
Missouri Botanical Garden, St. Louis MO

View the slides here.

BHL was invited to give a talk at a one day session called “Worth a Thousand Words: A Global Perspective on Image Description, Discovery, and Access.” This session was part of the IFLA World Library and Information Congress held in Columbus, Ohio from August 13-19th 2016.

The talk, entitled “Expanding Access to Natural History Images: the Biodiversity Heritage Library and its Global Consortium,” focused on the ways that BHL has sought to improve access to its images, which are mostly hidden within the books and journals on its portal. It featured the image content found on our Flickr and Science Gossip sites and emphasized the cross-disciplinary importance of this content, which appeals to a wide variety of audiences including artists, biologists, humanities scholars, historians of science, librarians, educators and outreach professionals. The talk concluded with a discussion of how to gauge the success of our sites, which we do by looking at statistics, user engagement, coverage by the media, and the extent to which we reach new audiences.

Reception to the talk was very positive. The presentation also allowed us to reach new audiences, particularly since most of the librarians present work mostly with humanities materials and at least half of the audience was not familiar with the BHL and its content.

The session was also held in an unusual location – a cartoon museum! Specifically, it was the Billy Ireland Cartoon Museum on the campus of Ohio State University. Attendees to the session were also treated to lunchtime discussion with artist Jeff Smith, who is an American cartoonist who created the comic book series Bone, as well as a tour of the library and museum.

Slides from the talk are available here. All slides from the session are here.

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Catesby's Magnificent Natural History, In Three Editions

First published illustration of a passenger pigeon (Ectopistes migratorius). Pictured with American turkey oak (Quercus laevis). Catesby, Mark. The Natural History of Carolina, Florida, and the Bahama Islands. v. 1, ed. 1, pl. 23. Digitized by Smithsonian Libraries. http://biodiversitylibrary.org/page/40753186. Taxon tagged in Flickr by Michelle Marshall: https://www.flickr.com/photos/biodivlibrary/26918652441.

In May of 1729, the first part of the first fully illustrated book on the flora and fauna of North America was presented to the Royal Society. Upon the conclusion of the work, Royal Society Secretary Cromwell Mortimer praised it as "the most magnificent Work I know of, since the Art of Printing has been discovered" (Nelson and Elliott, 165).

The work was The Natural History of Carolina, Florida, and the Bahama Islands, and all told it was issued in eleven parts (including an appendix) over an eighteen year period (from 1729-1747). It included 220 plates and accompanying pages of text, a map and account of North America, two indices, a preface, a dedication, and a list of subscribers.

The author of the work was Mark Catesby.

An expansive account of Catesby's life and work is captured in The Curious Mister Catesby, edited by E. Charles Nelson and David J. Elliott, which received the 2016 CBHL (The Council on Botanical and Horticultural Libraries) Annual Literature Award for Overall Significant Contribution to the Literature of Botany or Horticulture. This work allows us to appreciate the extent of Catesby's contribution to the study of North American biodiversity.

Mark Catesby was born on 24 March 1682/83 in England (probably in Castle Hedingham, Essex), the (probably) fifth son of John Catesby, a gentleman who became mayor of Sudbury in 1673. When John died in 1703, Mark received a substantial inheritance that included property in Sudbury and London, providing him with a level of security that would allow him to pursue his interest in natural history (Nelson and Elliott, 3-4, hereafter referred to as "N&E").

Wood duck (Aix sponsa). Catesby, Mark. The Natural History of Carolina, Florida, and the Bahama Islands. v. 1, ed. 1. pl. 97. Digitized by Smithsonian Libraries. http://biodiversitylibrary.org/page/40753408. Taxon tagged in Flickr by Michelle Marshall: https://www.flickr.com/photos/biodivlibrary/26987327575.

Catesby first set foot in North America in 1712. Serving as chaperone for his sister Elizabeth, whose husband Dr. William Cocke had arrived in Virginia some two years earlier, Catesby was hosted principally by prominent Virginian citizen William Byrd II during this first visit. Shortly after his arrival, Catesby began collecting plants, specimens of which he sent across the Atlantic to Samuel Dale and Dr. Henry Compton (Bishop of London). During these first several years in America, Catesby also visited Jamaica, Bermuda, Hispaniola, and Puerto Rico (N&E, 8).

Catesby returned to England in 1719, possibly in response to his brother's death two years earlier (N&E, 9). He was, however, determined to return to North America and continue his study of the land's rich flora and fauna. In 1722, he got his wish. This time, his trip was sponsored by members of the Royal Society, who hoped that he would collect specimens from and generally enhance natural history knowledge about this New World. From 1722-early 1725, Catesby explored and collected in South Carolina. The following year, from 1725-26, Catesby ventured to the Bahamas to continue his research (N&E, 12-13).

Catesby's map of Carolina, Florida and the Bahama Islands with the Adjacent Parts.  Catesby, Mark. The Natural History of Carolina, Florida, and the Bahama Islands. v. 1, ed. 1. Digitized by Smithsonian Libraries. http://biodiversitylibrary.org/page/40753095.

During his time in America, Catesby not only collected specimens, many of which he sent back to England, but he also produced sketches and watercolors of the species he encountered. According to Henrietta McBurney, who wrote a chapter for The Curious Mister Catesby on Mark's preparatory drawings for Natural History, the challenges of transporting the necessary art equipment into the field probably meant that Catesby made field drawings in pen and ink while traveling through the country and then worked up folio-sized watercolors, which would later be translated to etched plates for his publication, back at his lodgings (N&E, 143). At all times, Catesby placed great emphasis on portraying each species in as life-like a manner as possible, working from live animals when possible and obtaining fresh supplies of specimens, like fish, whose color and appearance change rapidly after death (N&E, 145).

Queen angelfish (Holacanthus ciliaris). Catesby, Mark. The Natural History of Carolina, Florida, and the Bahama Islands. v. 2, ed. 1, pl. 31. Digitized by Smithsonian Libraries. http://biodiversitylibrary.org/page/40680191. Taxon tagged in Flickr by Michelle Marshall: https://www.flickr.com/photos/biodivlibrary/26364199924.

In 1726, Catesby left the Bahamas and returned to England with the intention of publishing his accounts and illustrations in "a large folio on a grand, almost unprecedented scale" (N&E, 155). Leslie K. Overstreet, Curator of Natural History Rare Books at the Smithsonian Libraries, provides an extensive examination of Catesby's publication within the twelfth chapter of The Curious Mister Catesby.

According to Ms. Overstreet, Catesby opted to print the work at his own expense. Fortunately, his friend Peter Collinson, a Quaker merchant and Fellow of the Royal Society, agreed to lend Catesby funds to support the publication. These funds were not sufficient to cover the cost of expert engravers, so Catesby hired professional artist Joseph Goupy to teach him how to etch so that Catesby could work up the plates for his publication himself (N&E, 155).

Proposal or prospectus soliciting subscribers for Natural History. Dating from late 1729. Catesby, Mark. The natural history of Carolina, Florida and the Bahama Islands. v. 1, ed. 1. Digitized by Smithsonian Libraries. http://biodiversitylibrary.org/page/40753109.

In order to ensure that enough copies of the work would be sold to justify the cost of its production, Catesby solicited subscribers for Natural History. He distributed a prospectus instructing people who wished to obtain a copy of the work to sign up as subscribers (N&E, 156). The prospectus indicated that he intended to publish the book in parts of 20 plates and accompanying text issued every four months. Subscribers could elect to receive colored plates for two guineas a part or uncolored plates for one guinea per part (N&E, 159). The prospectus also directed potential subscribers to view his original artwork, which would be featured in the publication, at Thomas Fairchild's nursery in Hoxton (N&E, 147).

All told, Catesby's final version of the "List of the Encouragers" (a list of the work's subscribers, which, as was customary at this time, are listed within the publication) includes 155 names (N&E, 159).

Assured that the book would sell, Catesby set about producing the publication, which included not only etching the copper plates and writing the text, but also hand-coloring (maybe not all) the prints as well (N&E, 158).  Catesby also enlisted a friend, who requested to remain unnamed, to translate the text into French. The final publication included a column of English text alongside a column of French text (N&E, 13).

Southern flying squirrel (Glaucomys volans) and American persimmon (Diospyros virginiana). Catesby's squirrel borrowed from drawing by Everhard Kick. Catesby, Mark. The Natural History of Carolina, Florida, and the Bahama Islands. v. 2, ed. 1. pl. 76. Digitized by Smithsonian Libraries. http://biodiversitylibrary.org/page/40680326. Taxon tagged in Flickr by Michelle Marshall: https://www.flickr.com/photos/biodivlibrary/26696533570.

For the plates, Catesby used his own watercolors and also borrowed and included illustrations from other artists. For example, Catesby's depiction of the southern flying squirrel in plate 76 was borrowed from Dutch artist Everhard Kick (N&E, 150-151). Artists Georg Dionysius Ehret and George Edwards also contributed drawings to the work (N&E, 152-153).

Southern magnolia (Magnolia grandiflora). Illustration etched for Catesby by Georg Dionysius Ehret after Ehret's own watercolor painting. Catesby, Mark. The Natural History of Carolina, Florida, and the Bahama Islands. v. 2, ed. 1. pl. 61. Digitized by Smithsonian Libraries. http://biodiversitylibrary.org/page/40680281. Taxon tagged in Flickr by Michelle Marshall: https://www.flickr.com/photos/biodivlibrary/26901263141

Due to the amount of work required for the publication, Catesby was not able to adhere to his one part every four months plan. However, he continued to steadily produce new parts, which were sent to his subscribers. The first four parts of the work were issued in numerous typesettings, as Catesby was apparently cautious about ordering too many copies of each part (many subscribers signed up over the life of the publication, so Catesby was not working with a fixed number of "Encouragers"), which in turn required him to order additional copies of the early parts as new subscribers signed on. By the fifth part, however, we see only one typesetting, indicating that Catesby was confident enough in his sales that he ordered sufficient quantities to meet demand (N&E, 160-163).

In 1743, the last part of volume 2 was presented to the Royal Society. Four years later, in 1747, the appendix, consisting of an additional twenty plates and text, was presented, bringing the first edition to completion (N&E, 158). Approximately 180-200 copies were produced, only about 100 of which survive. There are only a few known perfect copies of this first edition, and of these, only the Smithsonian Libraries' copy (which is freely available in BHL) contains "all three pieces of ephemera relating to the production of the work" (N&E, 165).

Eastern mudsnake (Farancia abacura) and pine lily (Lilium catesbaei). Catesby, Mark. The Natural History of Carolina, Florida, and the Bahama Islands. v. 2, ed. 1. pl. 58. Digitized by Smithsonian Libraries. http://biodiversitylibrary.org/page/40680272. Taxon tagged in Flickr by Michelle Marshall: https://www.flickr.com/photos/biodivlibrary/26875557812.

A second edition of Natural History was produced by George Edwards in 1754, five years after Catesby's death in 1749. This edition is identical to the first, and many copies even include leftover printed sheets from the first edition. The plates for the 2nd edition were produced using Catesby's original copper plates, but the coloring tends to be brighter than those completed by Catesby himself (N&E, 166-168). The 2nd edition is freely available in BHL thanks to the Missouri Botanical Garden.

Yellow-crowned night heron (Nyctanassa violacea) and gullfeed (Scaevola plumieri). Comparing plate from edition 1 (left) with plate from edition 2 (right). Left: v. 1, ed. 1, pl. 79. Digitized by Smithsonian Libraries. http://biodiversitylibrary.org/page/40753354. Taxon tagged in Flickr by Michelle Marshall: https://www.flickr.com/photos/biodivlibrary/26713640390. Right: v. 1, ed. 2, pl. 79. Digitized by Missouri Botanical Garden. http://biodiversitylibrary.org/page/10900266. Taxon tagged in Flickr by Michelle Marshall: https://www.flickr.com/photos/biodivlibrary/7874637134.

A 3rd edition was published in 1771 by bookseller Benjamin White. This edition is made up of completely reset text and the Linnaean binomials have been added where available. While the edition did use Catesby's original copper plates, the plates from the 3rd edition are significantly more brightly colored than those of the first edition (N&E, 168-169). The 3rd edition is freely available in BHL thanks to the University Library at the University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill.

Purple land crab (Gecarcinus ruricola) and blackwood (Picrodendron baccatum). Comparing plate from edition 1 (left) with plate from edition 3 (right). Left: v. 2, ed. 1, pl. 32. Digitized by Smithsonian Libraries. http://biodiversitylibrary.org/page/40680194. Taxon tagged in Flickr by Michelle Marshall: https://www.flickr.com/photos/biodivlibrary/26936128596. Right: v. 2, ed. 3, pl. 32. Digitized by University Library, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. http://biodiversitylibrary.org/page/38993454. Taxon tagged in Flickr by Michelle Marshall: https://www.flickr.com/photos/biodivlibrary/6829772164.

All of the plates from all three editions are available in the BHL Flickr. Thanks to BHL citizen scientist Michelle Marshall (also the curator of BHL's Instagram), all plates from all editions have been tagged with the common, given and currently accepted scientific names for each species. The Curious Mister Catesby, which includes a species list by James L. Reveal in the book's appendix (N&E, 331-341), was used to verify the current accepted name for each species. This not only allows you to search Catesby's illustrations by taxonomic name, but it also allows us to compare the differences in the illustrations across editions. To compare illustrations across editions, search BHL's Flickr photostream by BHLCatesby AND "[scientific name]", inserting the scientific name of a species depicted by Catesby in the brackets where indicated.

Catesby's work, and particularly his illustrations, are significant for a variety of reasons. As the first fully illustrated book on the flora and fauna of North America, this book was the first introduction for many Europeans to much of the biodiversity of the New World. Beyond this, Catesby's work was a significant resource for Carl Linnaeus, whose binomial system for naming plants (which he introduced in print with his Species Plantarum in 1753) and animals (applied in his Systema Naturae, 1758) is still used today (N&E, 189).

Species description for Greater Antillean bullfinch (Loxigilla violacea, previously Loxia violacea) inSystema Naturae, v. 1 (1758). Catesby is the only reference that Linnaeus cites for this species name. Digitized by the Missouri Botanical Garden. http://biodiversitylibrary.org/page/727083.

Linnaeus cited Catesby extensively in Species Plantarum and Systema Naturae, showing that Natural History enhanced Linnaeus' understanding of many species. 131 of the 187 plants depicted by Catesby were cited by Linnaeus in Species Plantarum (N&E, 201). Additionally, Linnaeus referenced Catesby 139 times in Systema Naturae (N&E, 254-255). For some of these references, Catesby was the sole source of information for Linnaeus on a given species, and Catesby's illustrations serve as the type for several of Linnaeus' species names. In Species Plantarum, for example, 17 of Linnaeus' species entries cite only Catesby, while Catesby's plates serve as the type for 34 of the species in that work (N&E, 201). For 52 of the species entries in Systema Naturae, Catesby was Linnaeus' only reference (N&E, 255).

Lily thorn (Catesbaea spinosa). Pictured with zebra swallowtail (Protographium marcellus). Catesby is the only source that Linnaeus cited when naming Catesbaea spinosa in Species Plantarum (1753). This engraving serves as the type for this name. Catesby, Mark. The Natural History of Carolina, Florida, and the Bahama Islands. v. 2, ed. 1. pl. 100. Digitized by Smithsonian Libraries.  http://biodiversitylibrary.org/page/40680398. Taxon tagged in Flickr by Michelle Marshall: https://www.flickr.com/photos/biodivlibrary/26936345516.

The Natural History of Carolina, Florida, and the Bahama Islands represents a milestone in the cultivation of natural history knowledge. We are indebted to this "ingenious" naturalist Mark Catesby who dedicated his life to capturing and describing the biodiverse wonders of the New World. What a wondrously beautiful and curious world we live in.

Grace Costantino
Outreach and Communication Manager
Biodiversity Heritage Library

Nelson, E C, and David J. Elliott. The Curious Mister Catesby: A "truly Ingenious" Naturalist Explores New Worlds., 2015. Print.

Beyond Tunnels & Bigamy: The Scientific Contributions of the Infamous Harrison Dyar

Harrison G. Dyar, Jr., third from right, with Entomology staff of the U.S. National Museum in 1905. Courtesy of Smithsonian Institution Archives.

If you have ever heard of entomologist Harrison Dyar, there's a good chance that it was in relation to a series of tunnels that he dug beneath Washington, D.C. Or it may have been in relation to his bigamy. But if that's all you know about Dyar, then you only know the tabloid tales.

Harrison Dyar was Honorary Custodian of Lepidoptera at the United States National Museum for over 30 years. He studied sawflies, moths, butterflies and mosquitos and described hundreds of species and genera. He also contributed significantly to the study of insect development by formulating Dyar’s Law of Geometric Growth. By observing that the width of caterpillar heads was fixed within each stage of development, Dyar realized that he could use a ratio to predict the width of the head at various stages of development, and that this ratio could in turn be used to differentiate insect instars. By using this law, entomologists can identify the developmental stage of an immature insect.

Dyar's field notebooks, including his "blue books" and "catalogue" as they're called, contain valuable information both on Dyar's scientific research and aspects of his personal life. For instance, they include his scientific observations made while rearing specimens, head width data used to formulate Dyar's Law, and, on a more personal note, the identity of relatives who helped Dyar collect and rear insects.

Image Source: Smithsonian Libraries.

Dyar's field notebooks, which are held by the Smithsonian Institution Archives, have been digitized as part of The Field Book Project and are available in BHL, making it much easier for researchers around the world to access and study Dyar's work.

Drawing from a Dyar blue book. H. G. Dyar bluebook 575 - 625. 1896-1898. Digitized by Smithsonian Institution Archives. http://biodiversitylibrary.org/page/46194051.

One such researcher that has benefited from online access to this materials is Dr. Marc Epstein, Research Associate at the National Museum of Natural History and Senior Insect Biosystematist (Lepidoptera) at the Plant Pest Diagnostics Center of the California Department of Food and Agriculture. Dr. Epstein has studied Dyar's work and legacy extensively and has authored a biography on this remarkable entomologist entitled Moths, Myths and Mosquitos:The Eccentric Life of Harrison G. Dyar, Jr.. Marc discovered BHL, thanks to recommendations from his colleagues, around the time that our online library launched. Since then, BHL's collections have had an immense impact on Marc's research.

Dr. Marc Epstein. Image Source: California Department of Food and Agriculture.

"Even though I’m fortunate to have a good entomology library at the Plant Pest Diagnostics Center in Sacramento, CA, BHL has provided me access to so many journals that I haven't had easy access to in California since with my move here in 2003," asserts Marc. "In fact BHL has often provided me with the very copies I used to refer to in the Smithsonian National Museum of Natural History (NMNH) libraries!"

BHL has greatly facilitated Marc's research on Lepidoptera and more specifically on Harrison Dyar.

"Day to day BHL has helped me do my job to identify Lepidoptera that threaten California agriculture, while providing a tremendous boost to my research projects," explains Marc. "These have included the completion of Moths, Myths, and Mosquitoes: the Eccentric Life of Harrison G. Dyar, Jr. as well as studies on Costa Rican moths and the evolution of Lepidoptera and their caterpillars.

"Related to the Moths, Myths, and Mosquitoes, it enabled me to much more efficiently transcribe portions of Dyar’s hand-written notebooks, once in my office at NMNH. Prior to the availability of these notebooks on BHL, The Field Book Project at the Smithsonian provided me with electronic files of all of the notebooks, which are now becoming available along with transcriptions made by a corps of volunteers. Having both BHL and the notebooks on my [computer] desktop in Sacramento has enabled me to transcribe portions needed for my research while in Sacramento and saved me valuable time to focus on specimens during my visits to the NMNH entomology collections."

The volunteer transcriptions that Marc refers to were the result of the May 2016 #DigIntoDyar campaign, which challenged volunteers to help transcribe five of Dyar's blue books within the Smithsonian Transcription Center. The five blue books constituted a total of 169 pages, 60% of which were fully transcribed by over 60 volunteers by the end of May. Today, all 169 pages have been fully transcribed (thank you, citizen science volunteers!). You can browse the transcriptions in the Smithsonian Transcription Center at the links below:

H. G. Dyar - Bluebook 401- 414, 1893-1894 | https://transcription.si.edu/project/8144
H. G. Dyar - Bluebook 415-435, 1893-1894 | https://transcription.si.edu/project/8145
H. G. Dyar - Bluebook 436-450, 1893-1894 | https://transcription.si.edu/project/8146
H. G. Dyar - Bluebook 451-473, 1894 | https://transcription.si.edu/project/8147
H. G. Dyar, Bluebook 474-491, 1894-1897 | https://transcription.si.edu/project/8148

A page from H. G. Dyar bluebook 401 - 414 (1893-94), transcribed in the Smithsonian Transcription Center.

Interested in learning more about Harrison Dyar's work and contributions? Then check out this Google Hangout from Smithsonian Libraries with Dr. Epstein. You can also learn more in this series of blog posts that Dr. Epstein wrote for Smithsonian Libraries as part of #DigIntoDyar.

Harrison Dyar's contributions to science may often be overshadowed by his intriguing personal life, but hopefully the efforts of Dr. Epstein and others will ensure that his entire legacy is appreciated and remembered. We're proud to be able to provide free, online access to materials, like the "blue books" and "catalogue," that make it easier for researchers to study Dyar's work.

The New York Entomological Society


Depending on how you count, the New York Entomological Society (NYES), founded in 1892, is either the second or third oldest entomological society in the U.S. The oldest is the American Entomological Society, founded in 1859 in Philadelphia; the Brooklyn Entomological Society was founded in 1872, but merged with the NYES in 1968.

Through the Expanding Access to Biodiversity Literature project, the NYES recently gave BHL permission to digitize its journalsEntomologica Americana (v.1-49, 1885-1975) and the Journal of the New York Entomological Society(v.1-107, 1893-1999)as well as the Bulletin of the Brooklyn Entomological Society(v.1-60, 1878-1965). Most of the issues have been digitized and are now available in BHL.

History of the NYES

Zethus slossonae, named after Annie Trumbull Slosson
(photo by Bob Peterson, Flickr)
On June 29th, 1892, five men gathered in the home of entomologist Charles Palm (not to be confused with the other Charles Palm, also a New York entomologist) for the first meeting of the NYES. Their first order of business was to elect three members, including Annie Trumbull Slosson (Leng, 130). Years later, she described her first meeting: 

I shall never forget the sensation produced by my unexpected entrance into that scientific meeting. Through the smoke of pipes and over mugs of some beverage which foamed in the gas-light in a sudsy sort of way, I saw startled, embarrassed faces ... The host himself, good Mr. Palm, seemed somewhat embarrassed. After seating me in the most comfortable chair unoccupied, he hastened away to order coffee for me as more appropriate and fitting drink for a feminine throat (Klots, 139).

Despite taking up entomology in middle age (she was previously a fiction writer) and having no formal education in it, Slosson would become one of the Society's most accomplished members. She amassed a large specimen collection, now housed at the American Museum of Natural History (AMNH) and has a genus and over 100 species (slossonae) named after her. She also authored numerous articles in the journals of the NYES and other entomological organizations and was instrumental in moving NYES meetings to the AMNH (Seltmann). 

Photo of Annie Trumbull Slosson from
Journal of the New York Entomological Society, v.34 no.4 (1926)

Though NYES membership hovered around ten individuals in the first decade of its existence, the Society began publishing the Journal of the New York Entomological Society in 1893. Slosson was its chief contributor, and the sale of her collected specimens at auction funded the journal and ensured regular publication. Another member who contributed to the journal's early success was Louis H. Joutel, who, in addition to serving as the Society's treasurer and secretary, was an accomplished illustrator; his drawings appear throughout early volumes of the journal (Leng, 130). 

"Dominican Sphingidae"
by Louis Joutel, from
Journal of the New York Entomological Society, v.15 (1907) 
Within a few years, the Society had begun to broaden its reach. In 1895 it joined the Scientific Alliance of New York, which included distinguished organizations like the New York Academy of Sciences and the Torrey Botanical Society, and strengthened its relationship with the AMNH, where it enjoyed access to the library and collections in the position of "a non-paying tenant with a generous landlord" (Klots, 146).

By all accounts, Society meetings were an occasion for the sharing of exciting specimen finds as well as good food and drink. Above all, they were informal. Elsie Klots wrote that "During the nineteen thirties and early forties speakers were so often startled by the steady click of knitting needles and the ominous waving of an ear trumpet that it became customary to explain to them, before the meeting, that the occupants of the front row were the faithful wives of some of our elder members and that they were an accepted and beloved part of our meetings" (Klots, 143-144).

In 1942, the NYES celebrated its 50th anniversary, with nearly half of its 26 former presidents in attendance. In 1949, the Society put on a public exhibit of insect photography in Roosevelt Hall, at the AMNH. It proved so popular that a second exhibit the following year was moved to the museum's foyer. It featured photographs, paintings, drawings, publications by Society members, equipment, and insect origami. In 1964, the NYES convened for a third special meeting to honor four individuals who had been members for over 50 years. Dr. E.R.P. Janvrin, who joined in 1902, held the distinction of longest membership (Klots, 140). 

From the beginning, the NYES maintained a close relationship with the Brooklyn Entomological Society, its elder neighbor. Members of each society were invited to the other's meetings and field trips, and in 1903 the NYES began devoting two pages of its journal to publish the proceedings of the Brooklyn Society (Klots, 145). The incorporation of the Brooklyn Entomological Society into the NYES, celebrated on October 29, 1968 (the 75th anniversary of the NYES) was thus a natural union for two organizations whose activities had converged for a long time. 

Drawing for a NY Eats Bugs dinner hosted
by the NYES and others in 2015 (unknown artist)
The NYES celebrated its centennial on May 20th, 1992, with a banquet at the Explorers Club in New York City. The major draw of the evening was its theme: insects as food. Guests enjoyed a variety of appetizers and desserts with insects as ingredients, as well as a talk by keynote speaker Dr. Gene DeFoliart of the University of Wisconsin, an expert on the subject (Society History). The NYES has since participated in similar "bug banquets" at the Explorers Club.

Today, the NYES continues to meet at the AMNH on the third Tuesday of every month, September through May (excluding December). Professional and amateur entomologists alike hear talks by invited speakers on topics of entomological and biological significance. The Society also continues to publish its journal, which in 2009 was renamed Entomologica Americana (also the title of the Brooklyn Entomological Society's journal, which ceased publication in 1975. 

We are grateful to the NYES for sharing its rich legacy of entomological scholarship with BHL and with researchers around the world!

Patrick Randall
Community Manager
Expanding Access to Biodiversity Literature


Klots, Elsie B. "The History of the New York Entomological Society."Journal of the New York Entomological Society 76, no. 3 (1968): 138-155.

Leng, Charles W. "History of the New York Entomological Society, 1893-1918."Journal of the New York Entomological Society 26, no. 3/4 (1918): 129-133.

Seltmann, Katja. "Collector Spotlight: Annie Trumbull Slosson."Tri-Trophic Thematic Collection Network. Last modified September 12, 2013. http://tcn.amnh.org/updates/collectorspotlightannietrumbullslosson.

"Society History."The New York Entomological Society, Inc. Accessed September 14, 2016. http://www.nyentsoc.org/history.

Page Frights Is Coming This October!


Get ready for a ghoulishly good time this October...Page Frights is coming!

From 1-31 October, libraries, archives, and other cultural institutions around the world will be gearing up for Halloween by sharing spooky, creepy, or otherwise frightening books and images from their collections on social media using the hashtag #PageFrights. Follow along and join the conversation on Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, Tumblr, and other social media sites. Visit pagefrights.org to learn more.

We'll also be inviting you to carve pumpkins using patterns inspired by #PageFrights content. Participating institutions will create pumpkin carving patterns based on images from their collections, and these patterns will be freely available to download from the Page Frights website starting in October. We encourage you to share your carved pumpkins on social media using the #PageFrights hashtag.

Image from: Denys de Montfort, Pierre. Histoire naturelle, générale et particulière des mollusques. t. 2 (1801). http://biodiversitylibrary.org/page/35755564. GIF created by Richard Naples of Smithsonian Libraries.

Finally, we’re joining the Digital Public Library of America (DPLA) GIF IT UP fun and encouraging you to create GIFs based on #PageFrights images. GIF IT UP is a challenge to find the best GIFs created from copyright-free heritage materials found in DPLA, DigitalNZ, Trove, or Europeana. BHL serves as a digital content hub for DPLA. Learn more on the Page Frights website.

Page Frights was inspired by the 2015 #creepyarchives campaign launched by the Medical Historical Library at Yale University. #PageFrights is spearheaded by the Biodiversity Heritage Library, The New York Academy of Medicine, the Medical Historical Library at Yale University, and Smithsonian Libraries. Visit the website to see a full list of participating institutions to date.

If you're an institution interested in participating in Page Frights, we'd love for you to join us! Find out how you can join the Page Frights fun.

So be sure to follow #PageFrights on social media starting this October and visit the website for more great content...if you dare!!

BHL Welcomes Adriana Marroquin, Field Notes Project Manager


Adriana Marroquin recently joined the BHL as the Field Notes Project Manager. This isn’t Adriana’s first time with the BHL or Smithsonian Libraries. She interned for the BHL and the Smithsonian Botany & Horticulture library after graduate school, and later worked as a library technician at the Anthropology, and American Art/Portrait Gallery libraries. In 2014, she compiled and wrote BHL’s Latino Natural History exhibition. Earlier this year she worked on the AA/PG’s Art & Artist Corporate Files Database.

As the Field Notes Project Manager, Adriana will coordinate the activities of the BHL Field Notes project across the participating institutions. Related to the Smithsonian Field Book Project, the BHL Field Notes Project will digitize approximately 50 complete collections of primary natural history field research material, resulting in hundreds of thousands of digitized pages. This material will offer researchers access to a rich source of field notes, including diaries, journals, correspondence, and photographs. It’s an exciting project, and Adriana is looking forward to being a part of it.

She completed a BFA in writing, literature and publishing at Emerson College, during which she was a paleoecology lab intern at Harvard Forest with Dr. W. Wyatt Oswald. She went on to complete her MLS at the University of Maryland. In addition to her time at BHL and Smithsonian, Adriana’s library career has taken her to a variety of libraries, including a public law library, and BHL Members Harvard Botany Libraries and Library of Congress. Her interests include Halloween, Dungeons & Dragons, knitting, and comics. In the past few years, her interest in comics has leaked into her professional life. She volunteered at the Library of Congress processing the Small Press Expo mini-comics collection, and periodically writes for No Flying No Tights, a comics resource for librarians.

The BHL Field Notes Project is generously funded by the Council on Library and Information Resources (CLIR). More information on the CLIR Hidden Collections competition is available here.

Jesús Sánchez's Mexican Medical Zoology

By: Minerva Castro Escamilla.
Librarian. Biblioteca Conjunta de Ciencias de la Tierra,
Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México (UNAM). BHL México

Sánchez, Jesús. Datos para la zoología médica mexicana: arácnidos é insectos. México: Oficina Tipográfica de la Secretaría de Fomento, 1893. viii, 189, iv pages, 9 leaves of plates : illustrations ; 23 cm.

Parra, Alfonso. Atlas histórico de la Escuela Nacional Preparatoria: desde su fundación hasta los momentos de celebrarse el centenario de la proclamación de la Independencia, septiembre 15 de 1910 / México : [Escuela Nacional Preparatoria], 1910. 1 vol.

With the single purpose of serving the country and with the belief that scientific study should be used with practical ends, Doctor Jesús Sánchez elaborated his essay on Mexican Medical Zoology (Datos para la zoología médica mexicana), where he acknowledges “the value of studying the animal kingdom, within which exists a vast variety that can offer both benefits and diseases”.

Equally, he states that it “is not only important to study the organisms living inside our own bodies, it is also necessary to know those whose venoms, when inoculated in the human body, can cause, from very light inconveniences, to very serious symptoms and even death”. That is why the author developed an essay about this topic, identifying, describing and studying arachnids and insects from several parts of Mexico that cause damage to the human health.

Doctor Jesús Sánchez was a physician by profession, a member of the Academy of Medicine, and responsible of the professorships in Zoology and Biology at the National High School and the National School of Agriculture, where he has dedicated several years to the compilation of insects; these where included in his work of Mexican Medical Zoology, published in 1893. A second edition or reprint of this work has never been published.

Thelyphonus giganteus. Vinagrillo. (Seg. Lucas). http://biodiversitylibrary.org/page/51139808.

During the development of this work, Doctor Sánchez exchanged knowledge, talks and experiences with the doctors and brothers Alfredo and Eugenio Dugés. Alfredo Dugés was a great illustrator who made a perfect descriptive work of the Aquatic Spider, or hydroarachnid, native of Guanajuato. Dugés directed Sánchez and recommended the research of other zoology scholars, like Fernando Altamirano, Lauro Jimenez, Antonio Peñafiel, Alfonso Herrera and Gumersindo Mendoza, among others, as well as other prominent publications from the naturalists Francisco J. Clavijero and Jose Alzate Ramirez.

Datos para la zoología médica mexicana describes, in a detailed manner, nine orders of arachnids and scorpions, as well as five orders of insects, ants and bees, using a mixture of a colloquial and technical language, explaining symptoms, cures and medicines that can be used to fight against symptoms caused by the bites or contact with insects. Within his work we can find a remarkably detailed index of every order and term, as well as illustrations for context.

7. Horia maculata. 9. Treiodous barranci (macho). 10. Treiodous barranci (hembra). http://biodiversitylibrary.org/page/51139812.

One can appreciate nine pages that contain the illustrations of arachnids, scorpions, several insects, ants and bees, elaborated by hand with colours identical to those of the studied animals.

Being a professor of the National High School, Sánchez's published works supported the students with knowledge and practical applications; he offered his expertise during his lectures and turned new students towards the development of science and knowledge.

Sarcoptes scabiei (hembra). Visto por el dorso. (seg. Gudden). http://biodiversitylibrary.org/page/51139802.

Doctor Jesús Sánchez is also the author of other works related to the Mexican Medical Zoology of arachnids and insects, such as: Elementos de historia natural en forma de lecciones de cosas: Obra escrita expresamente para uso de las escuelas primarias de la nación, published in the year 1895 and available in BHL thanks to the Joint Library of Earth Sciences (Biblioteca Conjunta de Ciencias de la Tierra, Instituto de Ciencias del Mar y Limnología, UNAM), and the introduction of the work: Breve noticia de los establecimientos de instrucción dependientes de la Secretaría de Estado y del Despacho de Justicia e Instrucción Pública, edited in the year 1900.

Ladilla o piojo del pubis. http://biodiversitylibrary.org/page/51139818.

Stressors and Drivers of Food Security: Evidence from Scientific Collections


Stressors and Drivers of Food Security: Evidence from Scientific Collections
19-21 September 2016
National Agricultural Library, Beltsville, MD
Hosted by: U.S. Department of Agriculture

The Stressors and Drivers of Food Security: Evidence from Scientific Collections workshop was organized by Scientific Collections International (SciColl) at the National Agricultural Library in Beltsville, Maryland, 19-21 September 2016. The SciColl mission is "Increase the use and impact of scientific collections for interdisciplinary research and societal benefits" and "Expand the access, awareness and appreciation of scientific collections." The "Stressors and Drivers of Food Security" workshop was designed to help show the importance of scientific collections to the topic of food security.

The first day opened with welcomes from Paul Wester, Director of the National Agricultural Library and Catherine Woteki, Under Secretary for Research, Education, and Economics at the US Department of Agriculture. David Schindel (Chairman, SciColl Executive Board) then gave an overview of SciColl to the approximately 40 attendees from around the world.

Two keynote talks followed. The first, from David Inouye (Professor Emeritus at the University of Maryland and Principal Investigator at the Rocky Mountain Biological Laboratory) covered the importance of collections and field studies of pollinators in fostering food security. Kristen Gremillion (Professor at the Ohio StateUniversity) followed with a talk on the fascinating topic of ancient crops, archaeological collections, and food security.
The keynotes were followed by a series of short talks from:

Grace Costantino from the Biodiversity Heritage Library gave a talk entitled "Literature Resources to Support Food Security Research: An Introduction to the BHL".

The second day of the meeting was focused on four sessions devoted to presentations about different research challenges, followed by commentaries and discussion by panelists representing different collection domains. The focus was on how different collection types could contribute to research.

Martin Kalfatovic, BHL Program Director, chaired the first session, "Varieties of Food," that featured talks from Rod Page (University of Glasgow), "Unknown Knowns, Long Tails, and Long Data", and Ari Novy (Director, US Botanic Garden). The session was followed by comments from a reactor panel and discussion from the audience.The remaining sessions followed a similar format with reactor panels and audience discussion.

Biological Stressors and Aides
Biological Stressors and Aides
  • Kevin McCluskey, Kansas State University
  • Marcia Maués, Embrapa 
Environmental Stressors and Benefits
Feedingthe 10 Billion
Feeding the 10 Billion
The closing day of the workshop was devoted to developing new strategies and discussing next steps. Breakout groups were organized to discuss the following topics:
  • New strategies for increasing the use and impact of collections and associated databases for food security research
  • Case studies that exemplify cross-cutting and forward-thinking uses of collections and associated databases forfood security research
  • Major recommendations for the research and collections communities, funding agencies, and/or networks (such as SciColl)
The results of the workshop will be published later this year in a white paper. The video recordings of the workshop are available on the SciColl YouTube channel.

More information:

Rod Page Talks Bioinformatics, Linked Data, and Primary Literature at the Smithsonian

On 22 September, Dr. Rod Page, Professor at the University of Glasgow and creator of BioStor, gave a presentation at the Smithsonian's National Museum of Natural History Library about ideas for extracting and linking data across biodiversity repositories and primary literature.

The talk, entitled "The Sam Adams Talk," covered topics including phylogenetics, geophylogeny visualizations, linking article and specimen data across repositories, annotations, the biodiversity knowledge graph, and data as source code. A lively Q&A session between Rod and the audience followed the presentation.

You can view a recording of the presentation on YouTube.

Rod's talk at the Smithsonian followed the Scientific Collections International Food Security Symposium at the National Agricultural Library, 19-21 September. At the invitation of BHL, Rod gave a presentation at the symposium about using publication data to support food security research. You can view Rod's Food Security Symposium presentation, entitled "Unknown Knowns, Long Tails, and Long Data", on his Slideshare.

Visit Rod's blog iPhylo and follow him on Twitter at @rdmpage to see more of his thoughts on bioinformatics, linked data, and primary literature.

Sea Monks and Other Page Frights: Celebrate Halloween, Library and Archives Style!


Welcome to Page Frights, a month-long social media celebration of Halloween!

All this month (1-31 October), libraries and archives around the world will be sharing spooky, creepy, frightening, and otherwise Halloween-related books and images from their collections on social media with the hashtag #PageFrights.

Follow along and join the conversation on Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, Tumblr, and other social media sites and visit the Page Frights website to learn more.

We have lots of great content planned for BHL this month as part of Page Frights. Would you like a taste of what you can expect? If so, please allow us to introduce the sea monk!

Piscis monachi habitu, "Fish with the habit of a monk"

In the 1540s (probably in 1546), a mysterious creature was caught in the Øresund, the strait between the island of Sjælland (Denmark) and Sweden. The creature was described as a sea monk (or monk fish) with "a human head and face, resembling in appearance the men with shorn heads, whom we call monks because of their solitary life; but the appearance of its lower parts, bearing a coating of scales, barely indicated the torn and severed limbs and joints of the human body" (Paxton & Holland, 39).

The monk fish, pisces monachus. Belon, Pierre. De Aquatilibus. 1553. http://biodiversitylibrary.org/page/4770183.  Digitized by the Ernst Mayr Library, Museum of Comparative Zoology, Harvard University.

The discovery was described by several naturalists of the day, including Pierre Belon (who described it as the monk fish, pisces monachus, in his 1553 publication De Aquatilibus), Guillaume Rondelet (who described it as piscis monachi habitu, "fish with the habit of a monk", in his 1554 publication Libri de Piscibus Marinis), and Conrad Gesner (who summarized Rondelet and Belon's accounts and referenced additional drawings by Georg Fabricius and a Hector Mythobius in his 1558 Historia Animalium). None of these men had actually seen the specimen that they described, and Belon and Rondelet's accounts were obtained from as yet unidentified German source material (Paxton & Holland, 40, 46).

Piscis monachi habitu, "fish with the habit of a monk". Rondelet, Guillaume. Libri de Piscibus Marinis. 1554. http://biodiversitylibrary.org/page/42089971. Digitized by Smithsonian Libraries.

While these publications were clearly linked to a 16th century encounter with a mysterious zoological specimen, they are not the earliest known references to a sea monk. Sea monks were referenced as early as the late 12th or early 13th centuries, such as in Alexander Neckham's De Naturis Rerum (which includes the statement "other fish resemble monks") and in Albertus Magnus'De Animalibus (which references Monachus maris, "the sea monk...a fish occasionally seen in the British sea...[which] entices those travelling on the sea until it lures them in. It then seeks to the bottom and takes its fill of their flesh") (Paxton & Holland, 43).

What species could have been the inspiration for such a mysterious creature? Many theories have been proposed. Danish zoologist Japetus Steenstrup proposed in his 1855 publication 'Om den i Kong Christian IIIs tid i Øresundet fanget Havmund (Sømunken kaldet)' that the Øresund specimen was a giant squid (Paxton & Holland, 42). Other suggestions include various seal species or even a walrus. More recently, it was suggested that the Øresund monkfish was actually an angelshark species, possibly Squatina squatina (Paxton & Holland, 43).

Comparison of Rondelet and Belon's sea monks with a giant squid. Steenstrup, Japetus. Om den i Kong Christian IIIs tid i Øresundet fanget Havmund (Sømunken kaldet). Dansk Maanedsskrift. v. 1 (1855). Obtained via Google Books.

Identifying an origin species for the monkfish is further complicated by the fact that these representations were also possibly influenced by religious tensions of the period. The association between clerical figures and monsters may be seen as a commentary on these tensions, with religious elements being imposed on natural entities.

Since the original Øresund specimen is lost, pisces monachus will likely forever remain shrouded in mystery - a frightening entry in the chronicles of natural history.

Celebrate Halloween, Library & Archives Style with Page Frights

We invite you to join us for Page Frights this month as we highlight other fascinating, frightening, and/or Halloween-related natural history images and publications. BHL content will include:

Also as part of Page Frights, joining this year’s GIF IT UP fun by encouraging you to create creepy GIFs inspired by #PageFrights images. Learn more.

"Attack of the Sea Monster!" In 1555, Olaus Magnus published an image and description of the Soe Orm, which he claimed was a giant sea serpent 200 feet in length that lived near the shore or Bergen and came out at night to eat the farmers' livestock. His image and description was republished for centuries. See more fantastic images come to life as part of GIF IT UP. GIF created by Richard Naples (Smithsonian Libraries), based on Gessner, Conrad. Historia Animalium. 2nd ed. 1604. http://biodiversitylibrary.org/page/42166517.

Get Your Own Sea Monster & Support Biodiversity Research

With our Page Frights CafePress collection, you can purchase your very own piece of the Page Frights fun and help support scientific research at the same time! 100% of the proceeds from product sales will be used to digitize more books for BHL.

Start shopping today!

Learn more about how free and open access to natural history publications on BHL can help save biodiversity and transform research.


Paxton, C. G. M. & R. Holland. Was Steenstrup Right? A New Interpretation of the 16th Century Sea Monk of the Øresund. – Steenstrupia 29 (1): 39–47. Copenhagen, Denmark. November 2005. ISSN 0375-2909.

BHL Adds Two New European Affiliates

Over the past three months, BHL has welcomed two new European Affiliates: Bibliothèque cantonale et universitaire - Lausanne in Switzerland and the Mendel Museum of Masaryk University in the Czech Republic. The BHL consortium now consists of sixteen Members and fifteen Affiliates.

Bibliothèque cantonale et universitaire - Lausanne

Founded in the 16th century, the Bibliothèque cantonale et universitaire - Lausanne is one of the largest public and university libraries in Switzerland. The library contains approximately 2.5 million printed documents, representing academic, cultural heritage, general and special collections. The library also engages in a variety of digital initiatives, including a large-scale newspaper digitization project, various on-demand digitization services, and collaborative projects with regional libraries. Furthermore, in collaboration with Google Books, BCU Lausanne digitized over 106,000 volumes from its collection.

Through participation in BHL, BCU Lausanne will build upon current digitization efforts and further its commitment to providing free access to its library collections. The institution also hopes to leverage its existing partnerships within the regional library network in order to facilitate the inclusion of library collections from other institutions within Switzerland.

Mendel Museum of Masaryk University

Mendel Museum, which has been a department of Masaryk University in Brno (in the Czech Republic) since 2007, is dedicated to spreading the scientific legacy of the Augustinian abbot Gregor Johann Mendel. Mendel is renowned as the founder of the modern science of genetics. Additionally, the museum also promotes the wide range of scientific disciplines that Masaryk University students may encounter. Through interactive exhibits on Mendel's legacy to internationally-recognized Mendel Lectures, the museum provides a place for the public to appreciate the connection of science with practice.

Mendel Museum holds a collection of Gregor Johann Mendel's manuscripts, which are owned by the Augustinians in Brno and have never before been available online. These documents represent important scientific and cultural heritage materials and provide a unique perspective into the foundations of modern genetics. Participation in BHL will allow Mendel Museum to provide free and open access to this incredibly rich and valuable collection.

Monsters in Nature: Frightful Tales from the 19th Century

Today’s book is truly filled with Page Frights!  Sea and Land: An Illustrated History of the Wonderful and Curious Things of Nature Existing Before and Since the Deluge, by James W. Buel (1849-1920), highlights some truly horrific creatures and plants, with colorful tales and an abundance of amazing illustrations.  You can read about, and see images of, giant prehistoric and contemporary land, air and sea creatures, sometimes in battle with one another and sometimes battling humans--including early man.

Some of the creatures covered and treated with illustrations read like a carnival of monstrosities: Animals not destructible by fire!  The monster sea-elephant!  The terrible water-spout!  The sea-serpent of ancient legend! There are many gruesome tales, fables, and even ghost tales!  We will highlight a few of Buel’s tales of monsters in nature, in his own words, with accompanying illustrations.

It is important to remember that this book is a reflection of the culture of its time, and scientific inquiry has yielded much more information about these species and helped demystify many of the myths and legends that are sensationalized in the book.  Bearing that in mind, get ready for some fantastic and frightful tales and images!

The Tale of a Kraken Attacking a Ship!

Adventures with the Frightful Squid [Kraken]. Account below from Buel's Sea and Land:

In olden times sailors were harassed by many groundless fears, superstitions being abundant and ignorance general.  The early Spanish poetic chroniclers, who delighted in telling the story of Columbus’ voyages, invariably disfigured their narratives with miracles and wonders.  In those days Jack, looking over the side of his vessel, was prepared to see anything, and to this willing disposition may be attributed the creation of mermaids, sea-serpents, grinning or winking monsters, and leviathans big enough to swallow a ship.  There was the squid which, as the sepia octopus, we know in these days to be an extremely large and most diabolically unpleasant beast; but in the olden times this animal was reckoned to be larger than a cathedral, in proof of which the following story is recited:

“A big ship was on the West African Coast; the men were getting the anchor, when a squid arose and wreathed its fearful snake-like limbs around the vessel’s spars.  The tips of these limbs soared quaveringly high above the mastheads, and the weight of the cuttle drove the ship down on to her beam ends.  Here now was a lively situation.  The crew plied axes and knives, but in vain, whereupon they invoked the aid of their patron saint, Thomas.  Eventually the wounded monster grew alarmed and sank, and the crew afterward, to commemorate their deliverance, marched in a body to the Church of St. Thomas, where subsequently there was hung up a painting, representing the unparalleled conflict.” […] 
Pliny, the ancient, relates the history of an enormous cuttle-fish that haunted the coast of Spain and destroyed fishing ground.  He asserts that this creature was finally captured, and weighed seven hundred pounds, and that its arms were thirty feet in length.  As the cuttle-fish was esteemed by the ancients a most savory dish, the head of this formidable monster was given to Lucullas to whom it belonged rightfully by reason of his exalted rank (Buel, 1887, pp. 75-77).

Adventures with the Frightful Squid, also called "Kraken" (see image here)

A Giant, Man-Attacking Crab!

Monster Sea-SpidersAccount below from Buel's Sea and Land:

From an article in a recent number of St. Nicholas, I condense the following interesting information about crabs: 
Among the most remarkable, and the largest of crabs, is the Japanese sea-spider, highly esteemed in the Orient as an excellent article of food.  Its principal claws are each five feet in length, measuring from ten to twelve feet between the tips of the nippers, and presenting an astonishing spectacle when entangled in the nets and hauled aboard the boats.  With their slow, measured movements and the powerful weapons of defense, these crabs are the giants of the spiders of the sea.  Professor Ward, who has collected them in Japan, states that they have a remarkable habit of leaving the water at night and crawling up the banks presumably to feed, and that there they are sought by the crab-hunters.  A story is told of a party of fishermen who had camped out on a river bank, and one of whom aroused the others in the night by yells and screams.  Running to the spot they found that one of these monster crabs, in wandering over the flats, had accidentally crawled over him with his great claws, frightening him almost to death (Buel, 1887, pp. 64-65).
Japanese Spider Crab (see image here)

The robber-crab, peculiar to the Samoan Islands. . .lives principally in the branches of the cocoanut tree.  It exercises no little intelligence in getting at the fruit, which it accomplishes by carrying the nut to the very top of the tree, and then dashing it down with force enough to break the shell.  A gentleman relates that upon an occasion, while he was walking in a Samoan forest, he saw a robber-brab reach down its claws from a thick palm branch and seize a goat by the ears that was passing underneath.  So powerful was the crab that it lifted the goat almost clear from the ground (Buel, 1887, pp. 65, 67).
Robber-Crab lifting a goat off the ground (see image here)

A Horrifying Man-Eating Tree!

A Man-Eating PlantAccount below from Buel's Sea and Land:

Travelers have told us of a plant, which they assert grows in Central Africa and also in South America, that is not contented with the myriad of large insects which it catches and consumes, but its voracity extends to making even humans its prey.  This marvelous vegetable Minotauris represented as having a short, thick trunk, from the top of which radiate giant spines, narrow and flexible, but of extraordinary tenaciousness, the edges of which are armed with barbs, or dagger-like teeth.  Instead of growing upright, or at an inclined angle from the trunk, these spines lay their outer ends upon the ground, and so gracefully are they distributed that the trunk resembles an easy couch with the green drapery around it.  The unfortunate traveler, ignorant of the monstrous creation which lies in his way, and curious to examine the strange plant, or to rest himself upon its inviting stalk approaches without a suspicion of his certain doom.  The moment his feet are set within the circle of the horrid spines, they rise up, like gigantic serpents, and entwine themselves about him until he is drawn upon the stump, when they speedily drive their daggers into his body and thus complete the massacre.  The body is crushed until every drop of blood is squeezed out of it and becomes absorbed by the gore-loving plant, then the dry carcass is thrown out and the horrid trap set again.

A gentleman of my acquaintance, who, for a long time, resided in Central America,, affirms the existence of such a plant as I have here briefly described, except that instead of the filaments, or spines, resting on the ground he says they move themselves constantly in the air, like so many huge serpents in an angry discussion, occasionally darting from side to side as if striking at an imaginary foe.  When their prey comes within reach the spines reach out with wonderful sagacity (if I may be allowed to apply the expression to a vegetable creature), and grasp it in an unyielding embrace, from whence it issues only when all the substance of its body is yielded up.  In its action of exerting pressure upon its prey, this dreadful plant resembles the instrument used in the dark ages for inflicting a torturous death.  It was made of two long iron cylinders, on the inside of which were sharp, projecting pikes.  The victim was placed inside, and the two cylinders then brought forcibly together, thus driving a hundred or more of the pointed pikes into all parts of his body and producing a frightful death.  Generally this inquisitorial instrument was made, somewhat crudely, to represent a woman, hence the name applied to it was “The Maiden,” by which it is still known.

Dr. Antonio Jose Marquez, a distinguished gentleman of the city of Barranguilla, in the United States of Colombia, in describing this wonderful plant to the author, affirms that when excited it violently agitates its long, tentacle-like stems, the edges of which, rasping upon each other, produce a hissing noise which resembles the Spanish expression, ya-te-veo, the literal translation of which is “I see you.”  The plant is therefore known, in South America, by the name Yataveo (Buel, 1887, pp. 475-477).
The Man-Eating Tree (see image here)

Click here to read the book, and more of its frightful tales!  Here are some wickedly monstrous illustrations to lure you to this special collection of Page Frights!

Sea Serpent (see image here)

Imagined battle between early man and Plesiosaurus (see image here)
Pterodactyl and sea dinosaurs (see image here)

What is your favorite image or story from today's #PageFrights book?

Written by: 
Laurel Byrnes
BHL Outreach Volunteer

The Case of the Mistaken Manakin

Since the end of the twentieth century, the genus name Dixiphia has been associated with the white-crowned manakin. A recent investigation, made possible in part thanks to BHL, demonstrated that Dixiphia did not refer to a manakin at all, but was in fact a junior synonym of the white-headed marsh tyrant (genus Arundinicola).

The white-crowned manakin was in need of its own, new genus-group name.

The manakin mystery was first discovered by researchers Guilherme Renzo Rocha Brito and Guy M. Kirwan. Following the publication of a book on Cotingas and Manakins, Brito and Kirwan received an inquiry from James A. Jobling about the absence of any mention in the publication of modified wing feathers in the white-crowned manakin (then called Dixiphia pipra), which were so clearly displayed in Reichenbach’s (1850) Dixiphia illustration. Brito and Kirwan were perplexed by the inquiry, because not only does Reichenbach's illustration show a bird with an all-white head (which the white-crowned manakin does not have), but the white-crowned manakin also does not have modified wing feathers.

Detail from Plate LXIII of Reichenbach (1850) showing the bird that he named Dixiphia; all visible features are those of a male white-headed marsh tyrant Arundinicola leucocephala. Reichenbach, H. G. Ludwig (Heinrich Gottlieb Ludwig). Die vollstèandigste Naturgeschichte der Vèogel. Abt. 2, Bd. 1. (1836-62).http://biodiversitylibrary.org/page/47618489. Digitized by Smithsonian Libraries.

The genus name Dixiphia was first published by Reichenbach in 1850. In 1992, Richard O. Prum assigned the white-headed manakin to the Dixiphia genus after demonstrating that it had long been erroneously attributed to the Pipra genus.

After examining Reichenbach's illustration following the inquiry regarding modified wing feathers, Brito and Kirwan came to the conclusion that Reichenbach's illustration was actually that of the white-headed marsh tyrant (Arundinicola leucocephala). They examined specimens in the Museum Nacional’s ornithological collection as well as descriptions in historic publications, many made available to them thanks to the Biodiversity Heritage Library.

Pinned museum specimens showing the wing feathers (9th and 10th remige – R9 and R10). A – male White-headed Marsh Tyrant B – male White-crowned Manakin.

All of this research culminated in the conclusion that Reichenbach's illustration was indeed of the white-headed march tyrant, that Dixiphia was actually a junior synonym of Arundinicola (a fact that had first been suggested over a century ago), and that a new genus-group name for the white-crowned manakin was needed.

Brito and Kirwan, along with co-authors Normand David, Steven M.S. Gregory, James A. Jobling, and Frank D. Steinheimer, summarized this research and proposed a new genus name, Pseudopipra, for the white-crowned manakin in the 2016 Zootaxa article "The mistaken manakin: a new genus-group name for Parus pipra Linnaeus, 1758(Aves: Passeriformes: Pipridae)".

Guilherme R. R. Brito doing field work on the Brazilian Amazon.

Guilherme R.R. Brito, a substitute professor at the Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro, is quick to emphasize the role that BHL played in solving this taxonomic mystery - a role that is also highlighted in the acknowledgments section of the Zootaxa article.

Brito, who has been studying bird anatomy, natural history, taxonomy, and systematics for fifteen years, first discovered BHL shortly after the online portal launched nearly a decade ago. Since then, he has used BHL to access many important and historical publications that were previously very difficult to obtain in Brazil.

"BHL is one of the most important databases for several [subject] areas within the biological sciences," lauds Brito. "For historical taxonomic purposes, it’s now essential. Several very rare works are now readily available to any researcher in the world. I remember not so long ago that we researchers in Brazil had to wait for colleagues to visit museums and institutions abroad to ask them for some copies of works not available here. These were more difficult times."

Now, thanks to the Biodiversity Heritage Library, scientists can easily access the information they need to study life on Earth and solve taxonomic enigmas like the Dixiphia mystery. No doubt Pseudopipra pipra is grateful to have a name to call its own.

White-crowned manakin (Pseudopipra pipra). Image by Carmelo López Abad. Licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial License license: http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/4.0/. Image source: Encyclopedia of Life http://eol.org/data_objects/33609559.

In case you missed it: New in-copyright titles added over the summer

Adding to the second quarter's successful haul, BHL secured permission for 52 titles in July, August and September. That brings 2016's total to 108 in-copyright titles thus far! As in the previous two quarters, most of these were added as a result of the Expanding Access to Biodiversity Literature project, with significant contributions from the Albany Museum (Grahamstown, South Africa) and the South African National Biodiversity Institute (SANBI).

BHL thanks the many generous content providersincluding 19 first-time contributorswho have shared the publications below with our user community and the world. All of the titles are available under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike (CC BY-NC-SA) 4.0 license. Some are currently being digitized; check BHL's recent additions for more in the coming weeks.

  1. Raptor Research Foundation
    1. Wingspan
    2. Raptor Research News
    3. Raptor Research
    4. Journal of Raptor Research
  2. Pennsylvania Horticultural Society
    1. A History of the Pennsylvania Horticultural Society, 1827-1927
    2. America's Garden Legacy: A Taste for Pleasure
    3. Bulletin of the Pennsylvania Horticultural Society
    4. From Seed to Flower: Philadelphia 1681-1876
    5. Pennsylvania Gardens
    6. Philadelphia Spring Flower Show [title varies]
    7. PHS News
    8. The Green Scene
    9. Yearbook of the Pennsylvania Horticultural Society
  3. New York State Museum
    1. New York State Museum Bulletin
  4. Norfolk and Norwich Naturalists' Society
    1. Transactions of the Norfolk and Norwich Naturalist' Society
    2. Norfolk Bird and Mammal Report
    3. The Norfolk Natterjack of the NNNS
  5. Chesapeake Bay Foundation
    1. Annual Reports
    2. Investigative Reports
  6. Christopher Parker
    1. Weeds of Bhutan
  7. Carolina Bird Club
    1. The Chat
    2. CBC Newsletter
  8. Cleveland Museum of Natural History
    1. Kirtlandia
  9. Illinois Native Plant Society
    1. The Harbinger
  10. The African Bird Club
    1. Bulletin of the African Bird Club
  11. Michael Jennings
    1. The Phoenix
  12. Kentucky Ornithological Society
    1. The Kentucky Warbler
  13. Western Society of Malacologists
    1. Occasional Papers
  14. Western Field Ornithologists
    1. California Birds
    2. Western Birds
  15. South African National Biodiversity Institute (SANBI)
    1. Journal of South African Botany
    2. Strelitzia
    3. Memoirs of the Botanical Survey of South Africa
    4. Botanical Survey Memoir
    5. Memoir (Botanical Survey of South Africa)
    6. Annals of Kirstenbosch Botanic Gardens
    7. Flowering Plants of Africa
  16. Tower Hill Botanic Garden
    1. Transactions of the Worcester County Horticultural Society
  17. Forest & Bird
    1. New Zealand Birds
  18. Albany Museum (Grahamstown, South Africa)
    1. Records of the Albany Museum
    2. Annals of the Eastern Cape Museums
    3. Annals of the Cape Provincial Museums
    4. Annals of the Cape Provincial Museums (Natural History)
    5. Annals of the Cape Provincial Museums (Human Sciences)
    6. Southern African Field Archaeology
  19. Association of Southeastern Biologists
    1. SEB Bulletin
    2. Southeastern Biology
  20. Pacific Coast Entomological Society
    1. Memoirs of the Pacific Coast Entomological Society
    2. Proceedings of the Pacific Coast Entomological Society
    3. Pan-Pacific Entomologist
  21. Southern California Academy of Sciences
    1. Memoirs of the Southern California Academy of Sciences
  22. American Birding Association
    1. North American Birds

To learn more about how BHL handles copyright, see the Licensing and Copyright page on the BHL wiki. To see a complete list of in-copyright titles for which BHL has permission, as well as an explanation of how copyright information is displayed in BHL, see the Permissions page. And don't forget to follow BHL on Facebook and Twitter (@BioDivLibrary) to get updates on new content!

Thanks again to the many organizations who continue to make BHL an invaluable resource by sharing their in-copyright publications!

Patrick Randall
Community Manager
Expanding Access to Biodiversity Literature

Of Dragons and Interns: Meet the Woman Who's Helping Us Add Dragons and Other Fun Products to the BHL Store!

Carolina Murcia. BHL Product Development and Marketing Intern.

BHL is excited to welcome Carolina Murcia, our new Product Development and Marketing Intern!

Over her eight-month internship through the Smithsonian Libraries in Washington, D.C., Carolina will conduct market research and create products and marketing materials for the BHL CafePress store. Coming to us from her home in Colombia, Carolina just finished her bachelor's degree in industrial design and is excited for this opportunity to build her professional experience and contribute to projects that support the sciences, arts and cultural development.

Carolina has already put her artistic skills to excellent use designing dragon products for the BHL Page Frights CafePress store. Get your own dragon today and help support biodiversity research - 100% of the proceeds will be used to digitize more books for BHL! How does BHL and these digital books help support biodiversity research? Click here to find out!

A social media graphic created by Carolina for the BHL Page Frights CafePress store. Shop today!

When she's not doing design projects, Carolina enjoys long walks, good coffee, home dinners, sci-fi books, spending time with her loved ones, and watching soccer - especially when Colombia's team is playing! She is especially passionate about architectural photography and looks forward to taking advantage of the wonderful landscapes and buildings in D.C. to pursue this passion.

We're so excited to welcome Carolina to the BHL team and look forward to seeing our product selection and marketing activities expand thanks to her contributions. Welcome to the family, Carolina!

A Local Focus: The Native Plant Societies of the U.S.

All over North America, there are organizations that study, preserve, and promote local flora. Called by various names, these organizations fall under the umbrella term "native plant societies." While they are independent from one state or province to the next, and while some may have a particular focus, such as wildflowers, they have many similarities: their membership is comprised of professional botanists and amateur enthusiasts; they conduct surveys and field research focusing on a specific geographic region; they are actively involved in conservation; and they usually publish a newsletter to keep members apprised of society activities.

Calypso Orchid, Calypso bulbosa. Photo by Gerry Queener.
Sage Notes, v.34, no.3 (2012)

Through the Expanding Access to Biodiversity Literature project, BHL has received permission for the newsletters of several native plant societies and chapters:

Just as native plant societies share many similarities, so do their newsletters. They typically contain updates about society-sponsored events and meetings, brief features on a particular plant group or biodiverse area, and occasionally tips for identification and cultivation. They also contain pertinent information about conservation initiatives and the kinds of administrative information common to all organizational newsletters. But the most valuable portion of each newsletter, from a biodiversity perspective, is surely the field trip summary. Field trips are a central activity of all native plant societies.

Turtle Mountains, Mojave Desert. Photo by John Game.
The Bay Leaf, January 2016

While original botanical research is typically associated with books and peer-reviewed journals (and some societies do publish their own journals), these newsletters are a goldmine of information about rare plants and the ecologically sensitive areas where they're found; over the years, repeated field trips to these areas reveal trends in the health and abundance of plants, in the same way that Christmas bird counts document changes in avian populations.

Pogonia ophioglossoides from Rosina Cox Boardman's
Lilies and Orchids (1906), Pl. XVII
For example, the Fall 1981 issue of Claytonia documents the discovery of several rare plants that hadn't been seen in Arkansas in over 30 years, including the Rose Pogonia orchid, Pogonia ophioglossoides.

Another example: The Harbinger v.30, no.3, contains an account of how a glacial prairie came into possession of the local township after its owner--a farmer who had used the land to graze cattle--passed away. Plans for a baseball field and parking lot were scrapped when the land was found to contain rare plants like Hill's Thistle (Circium hillii) and Prairie Buttercup (Ranunculus rhomboideus). The article describes efforts by Illinois Native Plant Society members to preserve the land and protect the plants by removing invasives and doing hydrological restoration.

We are grateful to the native plant societies who have generously shared their local expertise by making their newsletters available to researchers through BHL. In addition to the biodiversity information they contain, these publications are a wonderful snapshot of the small, dedicated groups of people working all over the U.S. to document and preserve our native plants.

Are you interested in getting involved in a native plant society near you? If you live in the U.S. or Canada, check this list compiled by the North American Native Plant Society to locate the closest organization.

Patrick Randall
Community Manager
Expanding Access to Biodiversity Literature

Arachnophobes Beware! The Birth of Spider Nomenclature Just in Time for Halloween!

Clerck, Carl. Svenska Spindlar. 1757. Digitized by Smithsonian Libraries. http://www.biodiversitylibrary.org/page/51379398.  

Arachnophobia (the fear of spiders and other arachnids) is one of the most prevalent phobias in the world, and some estimates suggest that over 30.5% of people in the United States alone have a fear of arachnids (Health Research Funding 2014).

Given the pervasiveness of this phobia, we thought it only appropriate to spend some time on the subject of spiders as part of our Page Frights celebration. Being the science-focused organization that we are, we decided to look at the topic of arachnids from a taxonomic point of view.

Clerck, Carl. Svenska Spindlar. 1757. Digitized by Smithsonian Libraries.  http://www.biodiversitylibrary.org/page/51379410.

The founding text on spider nomenclature is Svenska Spindlar. It was published in 1757 by Carl Clerck, a member of the Swedish nobility. If you're familiar with the history of taxonomy, you may notice something interesting about the date of this publication. The International Commission on Zoological Nomenclature considers Carl Linnaeus'Systema Naturae, published in 1758, to be the starting point of zoological nomenclature. How then could a book published in 1757 be considered the starting point of spider nomenclature?

Leslie Overstreet, Curator of Natural History Rare Books at the Smithsonian Libraries (who recently digitized this title for BHL), helped shed some light on the situation.

Clerck became a friend and correspondent of Linnaeus' after attending Uppsala University, where Linnaeus had received most of his own higher education and served as a professor beginning in 1741. In 1753, Linnaeus applied his binomial system for botanical names within Species Plantarum. When Clerck went to publish his descriptions of the large number of Swedish spiders that he had collected and studied, he did so following Linnaeus' binomial system. As Linnaeus would not publish his own foundational text on zoological nomenclature until 1758, Clerck's spiders became the first animals in modern zoology to receive valid scientific names according to the Linnaean system.

Clerck, Carl. Svenska Spindlar. 1757. Digitized by Smithsonian Libraries.  http://www.biodiversitylibrary.org/page/51379414.

Clerck's Svenska Spindlar describes and illustrates 70 species and includes 6 hand-colored plates containing 89 figures. Artists for the work include Eric Borg and L. Gottman, and the plates were engraved by Carl Bergquist. The text is printed in both Swedish and Latin, and for each species, Clerck uses the single generic name Araneus followed by a specific, one-word name (constituting the species name).  Clerck then provides detailed information about each species, from the dates that he collected his specimens to descriptions of anatomical features and differences between sexes.

Clerck also restricted his use of the term "spider" to those species possessing eight eyes and separated prosoma and opisthosoma. As such, he, unlike many previous authors, excluded Opiliones (harvestmen) and other arachnids from his treatment of the subject.

Clerck, Carl. Svenska Spindlar. 1757. Digitized by Smithsonian Libraries. http://www.biodiversitylibrary.org/page/51379402.

The International Commission for Zoological Nomenclature recognizes Clerck's names as having precedence over any varieties that may have been proposed by Linnaeus, and as such the names in Svenska Spindlar have the unique distinction of being considered valid despite having been published a year before Linnaeus'Systema Naturae. For example, while Linnaeus used the generic name Aranea, Clerck's Araneus is considered the valid generic name.

In 1793, the first English translation of Clerck's Svenska Spindlar appeared under the title Aranei, or, A natural history of spiders, by Thomas Martyn. Martyn supplemented the text with additional illustrations originally published in Eleazar Albin’s Natural history of spiders (1736).

Martyn, Thomas. Aranei, or, A natural history of spiders. 1793. Digitized by Smithsonian Libraries. http://www.biodiversitylibrary.org/page/51378856.

So, as you gear up for Halloween this weekend, take a moment to look through the book that started it all when it comes to spider nomenclature. If you're one of those 30.5% of U.S. people with arachnophobia, you're sure to consider it a true Page Frights experience!

Special thanks to Leslie Overstreet, Curator of Natural History Rare Books at Smithsonian Libraries, for providing information about this title for this post.


Health Research Funding. 2014. "7 Uncommon Arachnophobia Statistics." September 22. Accessed October 25, 2016. http://healthresearchfunding.org/7-arachnophobia-statistics/.

Bishops in the Sea for Halloween!

The 'bishop fish'. Rondelet, Guillaume. Libri de Piscibus Marinis. 1554. http://biodiversitylibrary.org/page/42089973. Digitized by Smithsonian Libraries.

Apparently, clergymen in the 16th century had a lot of extra time on their hands to masquerade as sea monsters and make their marks on the annals of natural history as sea monks and bishop fish.

All this month, we've been exploring curious creatures in natural history as part of Page Frights. Today being Halloween, we thought we'd continue the fun by highlighting another "clergyman monster in disguise," the bishop fish!

Earlier this month, we highlighted the 'sea monk,' or Piscis monachi habitu ("Fish with the habit of a monk"), a specimen of which was reportedly caught in the seas between Sweden and Denmark in the 1540s. The creature was said to resemble a monk, with "a human head and face, resembling in appearance the men with shorn heads." The sea monk made its way into many natural history books of the era, including Belon's De Aquatilibus(1553), Rondelet's Libri de Piscibus Marinis (1554), and Gesner's Historia Animalium (1558).

Piscis monachi habitu, "fish with the habit of a monk". Rondelet, Guillaume. Libri de Piscibus Marinis. 1554. http://biodiversitylibrary.org/page/42089971. Digitized by Smithsonian Libraries.

Rondelet and Gesner also depict another similar monster: the 'bishop fish' or "monstre marin en habit d'évêque." The monster was said to have two projections resembling claws in place of pectoral fins, tail fins resembling legs, and a projection resembling a bishop's miter on its head. In his Libri de Piscibus Marinis, Rondelet writes that,

"I have seen a portrait of another sea-monster at Rome, whither it had been sent with letters that affirmed for certain that in 1531 one had seen this monster in a bishop's garb, as here portrayed, in Poland. Carried to the king of that country, it made certain signs that it had a great desire to return to the sea. Being taken thither it threw itself instantly into the water" (translation David Starr Jordan)

Some researchers have postulated, as with the monk fish, that legends of the bishop fish may have been inspired by giant squids. In v. 5 of his General Zoology, George Shaw suggested that the northern chimaera (Chimaera monstrosa) may have been responsible for the myth. He writes,

"I have sometimes found it not improbable that the Bishop-Fish, described and figured in the works of Rondeletius, may have taken its rise from distorted preparations of the upper part of this animal, with the addition of some other articles to form the lower part."

Could Chimaera monstrosa have been the inspiration for the bishop fish? Borowski, Georg Heinrich. Gemeinnüzzige Naturgeschichte des Thierreichs. Bd. 4, plates (1783). http://biodiversitylibrary.org/page/28346493. Digitized by Smithsonian Libraries.

Rondelet's Libri de Piscibus Marinis(literally "Book of Marine Fish") described nearly 250 marine animals, including fish, whales, marine invertebrates, and seals (all of which were referred to as fish), and was the standard ichthyological reference work for over a century. Given the importance of this title, it is not surprising that the legend of the bishop fish was perpetuated throughout many future natural history publications.

Bishop fish in the Canadian Museum of Nature's copy of the French edition (1558, Histoire Entière des Poisons) of Rondelet's Libri de Piscibus Marinis. This copy will be digitized for BHL.

BHL's first Canadian partner, the Canadian Museum of Nature, holds the French edition (1558) of Rondelet's Libri de Piscibus Marinis, which will be digitized for inclusion in BHL. Roberto Lima, Acquisitions and Cataloguing Officer in the museum's library, provides some insight on the publication and the museum's copy.

"The exact provenance of our copy of Rondelet’s Histoire entière des poisons is as intriguing as the depicted bishop fish itself, which makes it even more relevant for Halloween! We believe we acquired it through inheritance from the Geological Survey of Canada, the country’s oldest scientific agency. The copy still shows the now dissolved National Museums of Canada Library stamp, which reflects both the item’s as well as the Canadian Museum of Nature’s history within the Government of Canada. Mysterious as it may be as far as its actual origin goes, the presence of this item in the GSC collections is no surprise if one considers the importance of this publication. This is also why this book is on our priority list for digitisation in the context of the Biodiversity Heritage Library. It is appealing to think that this 1558 French translation will rejoin its 1554-5 Latin counterpart in the BHL’s digital space, similar to what happened during the XVI century when both works saw the light of the day in the print world."

We too look forward to comparing the different versions of these works, and the curious creatures they depict, in BHL's digital space. You can subscribe to BHL's RSS feed of recent additions to be notified when this and other interesting titles are added to BHL.

So, as you don your Halloween costumes today, give a thought to the mysterious clerical sea monsters of bygone centuries. Perhaps the clergymen of the era had an affinity for costumes as well.... ;-)

Happy Halloween!

BHL Program Director attends the Global Biodiversity Information Facility, 23rd Governing Board Meeting

Celso Pansera (left) and Peter Schalk (right)
The Biodiversity Heritage Library participated in the Global Biodiversity Information Facility's 23rd Governing Board meeting, 25-26 October 2016 in Brasilia, Brazil. I attended the meetings as the Head of Delegation for the BHL, substituting for Constance Rinaldo (Museum of Comparative Zoology/Harvard University). The two days of meetings brought together both the voting members (at the national level) and associate members (including the BHL).

The meeting proved a fertile ground to meet with BHL users to discover new ways that the BHL can partner in the global biodiversity community. The BHL is fortunate to work with GBIF Chair Peter Schalk and Executive Secretary Donald Hobern on collaborative projects.

Governing Board Chair Peter Schalk (Netherlands) officially opened the meeting and gave the official report for the year. Schalk specifically noted:
GBIF continues to grow both in numbers (data, users, publication) as in importance (relevance, connections). The field of biodiversity informatics has come of age. The many different national, regional and globally funded initiatives are slowly becoming part of a powerful ‘research machine’, organizing into a coherent network of collaborative efforts on a global scale.
Bruno Umbelino
Schalk also reported on the various interim meetings held by the Secretariat (in person and virtually). He also noted that GBIF continues to grow through partnerships with other international biodiversity organizations and noted work done by the Secretariat to becoming:
aligned with the Catalogue of Life (COL), Encyclopedia of Life (EOL), Biodiversity Heritage Library (BHL), and the Barcode of Life (BOL), resulting in a better and more complete service to the users. I applaud the proactive role of the Executive Secretary in this.
Schalk completed his report by noting:
It is my strong believe that GBIF is on the right way in terms of developing its own role and place in science and society, as well as in taking a lead to strengthen the field of biodiversity informatics by forging collaborations and bringing synergy in the agendas of the numerous initiatives that have come into existence in the past decade.
Report from the Science Committee (Rod Page)
Page reported on the past year's activities from the Science Committee. Main activities include:
  • Ebbe Nielsen Challenge, theme this year was "Mind the Gaps"; winners will be announced at the Science Symposium on 26 October
  • Young Researcher Awards (Juan Manuel Escamilla Molgora, Mexico, based in the UK; and Bruno Umbelino, Brazil) 
  • Working with the Programme Officers and Informatics team

Looking forward, the Committee would like to continue the Nielsen Challenge, perhaps with some refactoring. It's very important to continue to engage with young researchers. How best to engage with these researchers needs to be looked at in new ways. The Committee is also looking at new communications tools and methods.

Page also outlined the overall recommendations of the Committee:
  • Review the effectiveness of the Ebbe Nielsen Challenge.
  • Review the effectiveness of Young Researchers Awards in engaging young researchers.
  • Develop plans to increase the taxonomic coverage of names in GBIF. 
  • Develop plans to de-bureaucratize the publication process and enable individual researchers to more easily add data to GBIF
  • Develop plans to add missing data, with emphasis on data or data-types that fills gaps or is timely (e.g., related to a disease outbreak or other events).  

Executive Secretary Report
Donald Hobern, GBIF Executive Secretary, provided a report on main activities. There was also a review of the Work Programme 2014-2016 which included three streams and 16 areas; the streams were:
  • Stream 1: Advance the Informatics – Persistence and validation 
  • Stream 2: Advance the Engagement – Communication and implementation 
  • Stream 3: Advance the Content – Relevance and fitness-for-use 
Hobern also provided an overview of the development of GBIF plans for 2017-2021. These include the GBIF Strategic Plan 2017-2021, GBIF Implementation Plan 2017-2021, and the GBIF Annual Work Programme 2017.  Also discussed was the Biodiversity Information for Development (BID) project. BID is a five year, €3.9M programme, funded by the European Union. Hobern noted:

In its first year of operation, 23 projects from 20 African countries, selected from 143 concept notes originally submitted, began implementation under the initial BID project call. Involvement of GBIF Participants both within Africa and beyond, especially through contribution of trainers and mentors to support the selected projects, has been invaluable in enabling effective data mobilization and capacity outcomes from the BID investment.

In preparation for a discussion of the future of GBIF, Hobern outlined the various key assumptions that went into the planning for the 2017 budget. Using the financial background, Hobern touched on the key priorities of the Implementation Plan 2017-2021. These include:
  • Priority 1: Empower the Global Network
  • Priority 2: Enhance Biodiversity Informatics Infrastructure
  • Priority 3: Fill Data Gaps
  • Priority 4: Improve Data Quality
  • Priority 5: Deliver relevant data
An all day excursion was offered on 28 October 2016 to Chapada Imperial in the Cerrado biome area. During the 4 km/3.5 hour hike, it was possible to see seven vegetation zones of the cerrado (phytophysiognomy): vereda, gallery forest, campo úmido, campo sujo, campo limpo, cerrado senso stricto, and campo rupestre. The trail included 30 waterfalls and 11 arborism trails and a vertical elevation change of 150 meters.

* * * * *  

GBIF Public Symposium 

A public symposium held in conjunction with the GBIF23 Governing Board Meeting
Brasilia, Brazil | 26 October 2016

The first half of the symposium reported on progress GBIF has made on a variety of topics, including licensing, supplementary funding programmes, and engagement with other intergovernmental bodies. The second half introduced future directions either underway or under discussion. These include the new strategic plan and 2017 implementation plan (including participant pledges), the next version of GBIF.org, the "socialification" of GBIF.org, data rescue and data liberation.

During the report from the Nodes Committee Chair (Anne-Sophie Archambeau on behalf of Hanna Koivula), Archambeau reported on the different programs and plans from the Committee. She also thanked Hanna Koivula for her work and noted there will be an election of a new chair.

* * * * *
Glaucius Oliva (left); Peter Schalk (right)

Engaging GBIF in BrasilSiBBr - Sistema de Informação sobre a Biodiversidade Brasileira Symposium
27 October 2016 | Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico

GBIF participants were invited to attend the SiBBR Symposium at CNPq (Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico | National Council for Scientific and Technological Development). The president of CNPq (Glaucius Oliva) welcomed the group as did a representative of the Ministry of Science, Technology and Innovation. Peter Schalk (GBIF Chair) gave a brief introduction and thanks to SiBBR and the Ministry for their support of the GBIF 23 meeting.

Donald Hobern gave the keynote talk (“GBIF - Empowering a Global Network”) with an overview of GBIF activities and services. This was followed by a session by Andrea Portela (Director General of SiBBR) and Rafael Fonseca (SiBBR Participation Coordinator) speaking on “SiBBR: Engaging Stakeholders Communities” and a third panel that discussed the activities of the “SiBBR: Brazil Node of GBIF.”

Amazonas, Brazil

BHL Recognized for Award at the DLF Forum

BHL Program Director Martin R. Kalfatovic accepts the Community/Capacity Award on behalf of the BHL consortium at the 2016 DLF Forum in Milwaukee, Wisconsin.

During an award ceremony at the Digital Library Federation (DLF) Forum in Milwaukee, Wisconsin on November 7, the Biodiversity Heritage Library was recognized as a co-recipient of the inaugural DLF Community/Capacity award, along with the American Archive of Public Broadcasting.

The Community/Capacity Award honors cross-institutional collaboration and constructive, community-minded capacity building in digital libraries, archives, and museums. During the month of June, DLF member organizations voted on an impressive list of 16 nominees to determine the award winner. In a tie-vote, the DLF community selected BHL and AAPB as the first-ever winners of the Community/Capacity Award.
The Biodiversity Heritage Library collaborates to build and maximize capacity across its international consortium of over 30 institutions in order to provide free and open online access to library collections from around the world. This highly collaborative approach serves BHL’s users with a constantly growing collection of open access biodiversity literature, including materials often physically available in limited locations throughout the world.

The DLF Community/Capacity Award celebrates BHL’s commitment to collaboration, openness, and community spirit, which has transformed the way researchers around the world access biodiversity information. As former Smithsonian Secretary G. Wayne Clough stated in Best of Both Worlds, BHL is "an impressive example of what can be accomplished by digitization of library resources through a collaborative approach."

Joining BHL Program Director Martin R. Kalfatovic on stage to accept the award from DLF Director Bethany Nowviskie were BHL Member representative Kelli Trei (University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign), and Jacqueline Chapman and Joel Richard from Smithsonian Libraries. Additional representatives from BHL included Anne Kenney (University Librarian, Cornell University Library), Keri Thompson (Smithsonian Libraries), and Karl Blumenthal (Internet Archive).
We are honored to have received this award along with the American Archive of Public Broadcasting. We would like to thank the DLF community for selecting BHL as a co-recipient of the award and to especially recognize the contributions of each and every one of our consortium partners whose dedication, support, and unwavering commitment make BHL a reality.

The 2016 DLF Forum also included a presentation by Trei, "The Impact of the Biodiversity Heritage Library on Scientific Research." The presentation details a study evaluating the scientific impact of the digital Biodiversity Heritage Library (BHL) through topic modeling and analysis of a series of interviews with scientific researchers featured in a BHL blog.

Kelli Trei, BHL Member representative, University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign, presenting at the 2016 DLF Forum on "The Impact of the Biodiversity Heritage Library on Scientific Research."

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